Le nouvel album de Napalm Death devrait arriver début 2020

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Lecture 2 min.
Napalm Death

Voilà quelques nouvelles des bourrins de Napalm Death. Le groupe de Grindcore annonce que son nouvel album tant attendu devrait sortir début 2020. En effet, les musiciens n’ont rien publié depuis 2015 et les fans ont faim.

L’opus qui succèdera à Apex Predator – Easy Meat (2015) est bien avancé bien qu’incomplet. Le bassiste du groupe explique qu’ils souhaitent prendre leur temps car leur planning de tournée est assez chargé en ce moment. La qualité avant tout.

The music for the new album has been recorded now since June of last year and it was done in two sessions. Mitch did come over and record guitars on the new record, but all the compositions were written by myself, which was quite a challenge to make it all flow but at the same time hopefully have diversity, which I think it has. Barn has nearly recorded all his vocal parts. We have been playing so many shows in support to ‘Apex’ and, of course, the ‘Coded Smears And More Uncommon Slurs’ compilation, and there’s more shows already booked coming up towards the end of September, so we have decided to take our time with this album. We have a strong amazing album title, but I don’t think the album will be released now until early 2020. – Shane Embury

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