Marilyn Manson compare son nouvel album à un musée de cire de ses pensées les plus sombres

à 16 h 24 min
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Marilyn Manson a récemment reçu un autre disque d’or. Désormais, l’artiste révèle vouloir sortir son nouvel album avant la fin de l’année.

En effet, le musicien a dévoilé quelques informations importantes concernant son nouvel opus dans une interview récente pour Revolver.

Pour commencer, il explique qu’il sortira pour sûr avant fin 2019, à la suite de quelques expositions.

Last night, I was working pretty late in the studio, and we finished the sixth song. So, it’ll be out before the end of the year, definitely. I plan on going on the Twins of Evil tour, and I have an art book that I’m going to release, and I’ll probably have a bunch of exhibitions all over to go along with it. And then I’ll release the album after that.

Il déclare également que son nouveau batteur Brandon Pertzborn participera probablement à l’enregistrement de quelques-unes des pistes présentes sur le nouvel album.

My guitar player, Paul Wiley, is also working on some stuff for it, as well. And I have a new drummer in my band, Brandon Pertzborn, so he’ll probably be playing on the record. And Jamie Douglass, Shooter‘s drummer, he’s also played on some stuff. Shooter and I also did a cover of ‘The End‘ by The Doors, for a new miniseries of ‘The Stand‘ by Stephen King, which I’m also going to be acting in.

De plus, Marilyn Manson compare son nouvel album à un musée de cire de ses pensées les plus sombres. Il déclare qu’il se nommera peut-être Marilyn Manson, car les thèmes abordés sont majoritairement inspirés d’histoires personnelles.

It’s still to be determined, but I think it’s the album that should be called Marilyn Manson. I’m in a mode in life where I wanted to tell stories with this record, and it’s sort of like a wax museum of my thoughts, a study of the chamber of horrors in my head. All the romance and hope you can have in the world, here in the End Times where it can be a different kind of apocalypse for each person listening to the record. I tried to paint it with words, and Shooter with sounds, so you can see and hear all of your longing, your passion and despair. That’s sort of a dramatic explanation of it. [Laughs] But it is full of drama. I wouldn’t compare it to any of my other records, but you hear a bit of everything — it’s like I’ve focused everything into one spot, finally.

Tattooed In Reverse de Marilyn Manson :